Do you know how to identify leaders in your church? This is one of the struggles of Pastors today. There is a fear of putting up a novice before his time or a charismatic leader gone rogue. If only choosing leaders were as easy as looking out for a neon sign.

In my years of pastoring, I find these 4 qualities make fertile ground for a leader to grow.

1. A Team Player

We want a leader to lead. But before they can be an effective leader, they must first know how to be a team player. They need to recognise where they are competent in and areas where others are better than they are. Even though they are a leader, it is important to still be able to submit to a team member who have better expertise. Being a leader doesn’t mean that everyone must submit to them only. It takes a leader with a healthy self-esteem to submit to his team while leading strong.

2. A Healthy Self-Esteem

To have a healthy self-esteem means to have an accurate awareness of one’s strengths and weaknesses and taking them in stride. Recognizing our strength and weaknesses are not enough. Instead of using it as an excuse, leaders know when to step back and when to step up. A good leader knows when to take the blame and when to let his team members take the credit.

3. A Humble Authenticity

Honesty is an important virtue, but honesty can sometimes be a cop out for inaction. What we want to see is not a an honest leader, but an authentic leader led to repentance. We want to see a leader transformed and growing in the grace of God. It means making mistakes, owning them, asking for forgiveness, learning and trying again.

4. A Belief in People’s God-given Potential

Every church member God blesses us with has a God-given potential. Each one of them is God’s creation, made for a purpose. The ability to see the gem in others and harness it is a true leadership gift. The goal of leadership is not to reach goals but to lead others to follow Christ and discovering God’s unique destiny for their lives.

The next time you choose a leader, think about whether they have these qualities. Afterall, leading in the church is all about relationship – with God, ourselves and others.