Bible Student are managed in a Board view. Each column denotes a stage of the progress of a Home Bible Studies.
Go to Home Bible Studies on the left panel. Click on Student Progress.
1. Click on the filters to see the corresponding Home Bible Studies.
2. Assign – These are new students that need to be assigned. Click on the Home Bible Studies cards to put in the details needed to start their Home Bible Studies. Once assigned successfully, the card will be moved to the In Progress column
3. Teacher Needed – These are request put in by the Teacher for a substitute. Admin will have to act on it by re-assigning another teacher. Click on the Home Bible Studies card and choose a new replacement teacher.
4. In Progress – These are Home Bible Studies that are active and in progress. Click on the Home Bible Studies card to see the details of this Home Bible Studies and do the following:
- View lesson reports and edit them.
- Archive Home Bible Studies. This could happen if a student decides to discontinue the Home Bible Studies
- Submit Reports from Church Admin account.
- View Student Info
- Export the Home Bible Studies reports
- Remove Assignments to make changes to the Course and Teacher/s assigned to the student. Edits cannot be made to Course and Teacher to a Home Bible Studies that is already in progress. You have to discontinue Home Bible Studies and start a new one again.